Europa Ranks and Insignia

Europa Ranks and Insignia

Europa Armed Forces

 Comprised of three elements, divided by battlespace:


Europa Land Forces

Europa Waterborne Forces

Europa Airborne Forces



Ranks in ascending order:

Rank (Abbrev) - insignia code



[Cadet (Cad) - *]

Private - 1

Lance Corporal (LCorp) - 2

Corporal (Corp) - 3

Sergeant (Sgt) - 4

Staff Sergeant (StaffSgt) - 5

Company Sergeant Major (CoSgtMaj) - 6

Senior Sergeant Major (SenSgtMaj) - 7



[Officer Cadet (OffCad) - A]

Second Lieutenant (2Lt) - K

Lieutenant (Lt) - L

Captain (Capt) - C

Major (Maj) - M

Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) - N

Colonel (Col) - O

Brigadier (Brig) - B

Major General (MajGen) - J

Lieutenant General (Lt Gen) - R

General (Gen) - G

Field Marshall (FM) - F


Europa Insignia

As a guerilla force, Europa doesn’t have a uniform, but all Europa personnel are required to wear an insignia whenever they are on duty, to clearly identify them as combatants, and to show the wearer’s force, rank and the command they are assigned to. These are square badges usually worn on the shoulder, like most other military forces do, but beyond conforming to a general specification, there is a great variety in how these are created and rendered. The following is the specification for Europa insignia.


Insignia structure

75mm square badges (embroidered, printed, woven or vinyl - whatever you can make, basically)

All a blue background with a yellow-gold border


Elements (HxW in mm):

Force emblem 50x50 upper left

Rank 20x50 upper right

Station 50x20 lower left

Division 20x20 lower right

Borders all 1.5mm wide



Blue background (003399)

Border and emblem yellow-gold (ffcc00)

Ranking green (48dc00)

White (ffffff)

Force emblem is the largest part of the insignia and denotes either Land, Waterborne or Airborne forces, as follows:

Europa Land Forces - 12 star ring with shield and spear device yellow-gold on a blue field

Europa Waterborne Forces - 12 star ring with Trident and net device yellow-gold on a blue field

Europa Airborne Forces - 12 star ring with Arrow and moon device yellow-gold on a blue field

Thad Else is, like the majority of Europa personnel, part of the Land Forces so his insignia has a spear and shield.

Rank uses a single number or letter code as detailed above.  It is written in green Impact font, which can optionally be glow-in-the-dark, but has a white border for pre-war members of Europa.  The space below the letter is used for other smaller insignia relating to key competencies. Thad Else has an L with a white outline for a pre-war Lieutenant. Beneath that is a Purple Heart (wounded in action), a Rook (Defensive Strategy Specialist, given to those who took Helen Torrington’s course), a yellow arrow (signifies that he previously received a field promotion, a mark of superior service) and a silver Schützenschnur (pistol, rifle and other weapon marksmanship award, based on the German Army award of the same name; Thad qualified for a silver award on a handgun, semi-automatic rifle and submachine gun).

Station is a unique five-letter code given to a command.  It is always displayed on the sign outside the command post and referred to on any notices that refer to the command.  It is written in white Impact font characters and is always in Roman capital letters. Thad Else is officially assigned to Scarborough command, so the code on his insignia, like all troops within that command, is SCRBR.


Division is a single letter, number or character code signifying which element of the command a wearer belongs to.  It is written in white Impact font characters of the same size as the station code.  Most divisions are Roman capital letters starting with A, but using a # to denote command division (HQ staff) and @  for the Military Police division. These divisions and what they do might not be known to those outside that command, but will allow anyone to understand the chain of command. Thad Else is part of the HQ staff so his division is #.

Notes On UK History 2001-2006